mPOS choices for fast, flexible service.
Betting on wireless tablets and mobile payment to boost efficiency and convenience?
Mobile options from SpeedLine deliver flexibility—from quick service to dine-in to delivery.
By using the Microsoft Surface Go or Pro tablets, you can unlock the ability to:
- Bust lineups at rush times to serve guests faster.
- Increase sales with upsell prompts for servers table-side.
- Cover more tables with fewer servers.
- Reduce errors caused by added walk time and interruptions.
- Keep servers on top of table status wherever they are.
- Let customers pay on the spot, with no waits.
On top of that, mobile payment for delivery cuts processing costs and chargeback liability. With convenient SpeedLine MobilePay, every credit transaction is card-present.
Where could you use mobile ordering or payment solutions in your operations?
Line busting |
Table-side orders & payment |