Cloud Reporting For Your SpeedLine POS

SpeedLine Cloud Reporting & Analytics grants you access to your SpeedLine in-store reports and dashboards from any device to understand what drives your business and increase your restaurant's profitability.

Solutions Made for Cloud Reporting & Analytics

Cloud-reporting-tab-imageReal-Time Reporting

Making sound business decisions requires timely data. SpeedLine Cloud Reporting & Analytics provides near real-time reporting. Check sales numbers, labor stats, and more by logging in from any web-enabled device.


Features-Enterprise-centralized-controlReporting Across All Locations

Whether you have one, two, twenty, or a hundred locations, SpeedLine Cloud Reporting & Analytics combines data from locations running the SpeedLine POS to compare performance in a single view. Access a variety of templated reports on key aspects of your business such as delivery, marketing campaigns, coupons and promotions, and remote ordering sources.


PC_with-dashboardIntuitive Dashboards

Easily visualize your data with intuitive graphs and charts—perfect for when you’re on the go and need to understand your KPIs at a glance. Uncover deeper insights and make informed business decisions when you drill into underlying data such as:

  • Coupons and discounts
  • Gross sales
  • Net sales
  • Delivery performance
  • Customer Order Sources


Dashboard-Pulse-Alerts-on-narrow-PCPulse Alerts

Some metrics can’t wait until end-of-day reports. Set up email notifications for almost any dashboard metric that are triggered when a custom threshold is met. Experience peace of mind knowing you’ll be instantly informed of any potential concerns such as:

  • An abnormal number of voided tickets
  • A high number of late deliveries
  • Unexpected changes to store hours


Email-notifications-on-a-iPhoneEmail Notifications

Receive tailored email reports detailing the data most important to you. Export data, reports, or dashboards to various formats (such as Excel, CSV, or PDF). You have the flexibility to set send times to ensure you have all the information you want when you need it.


Cloud-reporting-tab-imageReal-Time Reporting

Making sound business decisions requires timely data. SpeedLine Cloud Reporting & Analytics provides near real-time reporting. Check sales numbers, labor stats, inventory, and more by logging in from any web-enabled device.


Reporting Across All Locations

Whether you have one, two, twenty, or a hundred locations, SpeedLine Cloud Reporting & Analytics combines data from locations running the SpeedLine POS to compare performance in a single view. Access a variety of templated reports on key aspects of your business such as delivery, marketing campaigns, coupons and promotions, and remote ordering sources.


Intuitive Dashboards

Easily visualize your data with intuitive graphs and charts—perfect for when you’re on the go and need to understand your KPIs at a glance. Uncover deeper insights and make informed business decisions when you drill into underlying data such as:

  • Coupons and discounts
  • Gross sales
  • Net sales
  • Delivery performance
  • Customer Order Sources


Pulse Alerts

Some metrics can’t wait until end-of-day reports. Set up email notifications for almost any dashboard metric that are triggered when a custom threshold is met. Experience peace of mind knowing you’ll be instantly informed of any potential concerns such as:

  • An abnormal number of voided tickets
  • A high number of late deliveries
  • Unexpected changes to store hours

Email Notifications

Receive tailored email reports detailing the data most important to you. Export data, reports, or dashboards to various formats (such as Excel, CSV, or PDF). You have the flexibility to set send times and report recipients to ensure you have all the information you want, when you need it.

See Your Business Differently with These Dashboards

Set up Pulse Alerts for almost any dashboard metric to automatically notify you when a custom threshold is met, like voided tickets or late deliveries.


Today &

Access a key business metrics overview for a single day with daily sales, discounts, voids, labor costs, and more.


Weekly/Monthly & Quarterly/Yearly

Review the historical performance and analyze trends with up to 3 years of data, from net sales to coupons used.



Gain delivery metric insights like on-time vs. late deliveries, average dispatch minutes, and delivery trip size.


Coupon & Discounts

See high-performing coupons, average value, discount totals, credits issued, coupons used, and voids applied.


Notable Activity

View potentially unusual activity such as discounts after a ticket is saved or voids after a ticket is closed.


Remote Order Sources

Compare performance of external ordering platforms such as your online ordering site, DoorDash, and Uber Eats.


Third-Party Delivery

Compare your in-store deliveries to deliveries using DoorDash Drive to see if your delivery needs are being met.


Store Comparison

Multi-store owners can compare location key metrics and data side-by-side to compare performance.


Customer Data

Access heat maps and charts with customer locations, order origin, and spending habits to direct marketing.

See What Our Customers Say

“We are constantly tweaking the process and measures and measuring the conversion rates that we see from them, and it’s a never ending process. So something like the SpeedLine Analytics platform can let us see before we make a change and after we make a change, what kind of results we are seeing from those products.”

- Jacqueline Keena, CTO of Jet’s Pizza

Take The Next Step

Every restaurant has unique POS requirements, so our quotes are customized to the needs of your business.
Talk to a SpeedLine Sales team member about pricing for your POS and Cloud Reporting & Analytics needs.


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