Support Advisories

PCI Security Update - SpeedLine 7.2 Release 603 is available.

Posted by Nick Pausch on Aug 9, 2017 10:29:03 AM

A new release of SpeedLine 7.2 Release 603 is available.

This release contains security fixes to SpeedWeb. Customers who use SpeedWeb must upgrade within 30 days to maintain PCI compliance.

The latest release of SpeedLine 7.2 can be requested using our Online Request Forum..

Release Notes:

#17327  Changed:  SpeedWeb's Apache server has been upgraded to 2.4.27 (security update).
#17029  Fixed:  Stores that were part of a Store Group were duplicated at the bottom of the Stores list when publishing a file.
#10609  Changed:  Improved handling of authorizations on deferred tickets so it is clearer when authorization failures occur.


Topics: SpeedLine Releases, PCI, SpeedWeb