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Now Use Android Devices with Pay@ the Door

Posted by Lisa Siddons on Dec 4, 2018 3:21:47 PM

woman-at-door_webSpeedLine Pay@ the Door now offers even more flexibility: use either Apple or Android mobile devices with the chip-enabled EMV PIN pad. Save on fees and chargebacks while providing your customers with a fast, secure, payment transaction right on their doorstep. 

Pay lower card-present processing rates, cut losses to fraudulent delivery chargebacks, and reduce your PCI scope. For a store with a ticket average of $20 and 2500 delivery transactions per month, this could mean savings of up to $4200 per year in lower processing rates alone, plus the money you save on chargebacks. When used with SpeedDine or another compatible online ordering solution, online order delivery payments are processed at the door as well, at the same lower card-present rates.

Read Pay@ the Door: A Delivery Game Changer for full details, and to calculate how much you could save.

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Topics: Mobile Payments, Pay@ the Door, SpeedLine Pay