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Contactless payments are becoming increasingly popular. Offering greater convenience, speed, and security functions, they...

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Tags: Credit Cards, Mobile Payments

Nearly 50% of customers will abandon their purchase if their preferred payment method isn't available. As a restaurant owner,...

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Tags: Coupon, Credit Cards, Gift Cards,

How much are credit card chargebacks costing you each month? $500? $1,000? If you’re anything like the average restaurant in the...

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Tags: Credit Cards, Payment Security, Restaurant Security and PCI,

How many times has your restaurant sent out a delivery, only to have your credit card processor chargeback the payment a month...

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Tags: Credit Cards, Payment Security, Security,

Integrating credit card processing with your POS speeds service, simplifies bookkeeping, and saves time. But credit card...

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Tags: Credit Cards, POS, Restaurant Management,

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