Support Advisories

SpeedLine 7.2 Release 601 is available.

Written by Nick Pausch | May 2, 2017 12:53:00 PM

A new release of SpeedLine 7.2 Release 601 is available.

The latest release of SpeedLine 7.2 can be requested using our online request form.

This release updates our LiveMaps integration to Bing v8. The older integration (Bing v7) will be discontinued by microsoft on June 30 2017.

Customers who use LiveMaps should upgrade as soon as possible.


Public Release notes:

#16738 Changed: Monetra UniTerm updated to 8.3.2.

#16769 Changed: Updated menu button images for consistency and added many new menu button images to the library.

#12627 Changed: Re-enabled closing inactive tables to improve memory usage.

#16627 Changed: Employee name added to Complimentary Discounts Report.

#6088 New: Unattended upgrades can now be scheduled up to 24 hours in the future.

#16796 Fixed: SpeedLink crosstab reports including many stores would have the store names overlap the column headers.

#15030 New: Store Bank can be set to automatically open after end of day completes.

#16661 Fixed: Automated End of Day did not respect print slip settings for store banks.

#16231 Fixed: Value Meal coupons were not properly re-applied after alterations to a value meal on Full Review screen.

#14398 New: Percentage tip prompt for Monetra EMV PIN Pads can now be set.

#15306 Changed: Credit card expiration dates up to 40 years from the current year can now be entered.

#10889 Enhanced: Coupons on deferred tickets that are invalid or expired will create discounts to replace those coupons instead of producing an error that blocks the ticket activation.

#16690 Enhanced: New Dispatch ticket list template specifically for delivered orders.

#12573 Fixed: Orders on QSR CSK kitchen monitor screen are now properly voided when deferred.

#12992 Enhanced: LiveMaps On Way view shows the driver's estimated time of arrival for each delivery location. The ETA is also now available to the Dispatch screen On Way ticket template.

#13971 Enhanced: LiveMaps will more intelligently hide unselected pushpins or their information when a driver or tickets are selected prior to showing a map or route.

#16243 Changed: Microsoft Bing Maps Version 8 support added for LiveMaps.

#16633 Enhanced: Driver run and contact number will show at the top of the interactive map after selecting a driver.

#8672 Enhanced: Delivery reporting in Terminal is now accurate to the second, instead of rounding to the minute.

#13560 Changed: Updated SpeedLine Connect Response message to be more specific as to why orders cannot be received.

#16743 Fixed: Gift Certificate Redemption could cause an Access Violation error.

#15342 Fixed: Terminal searches now return results for words that are typed in lowercase.

#16637 New: Monetra Uniterm updated to 8.3.1.