As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we bring you more tips for new ways to safely get your food to hungry customers. In March, we looked at contactless delivery. This month we have a suggestion for adapting your order types to a coronavirus world.
Offer Curbside Pickup
Curbside pick-up has gained a lot of traction during the pandemic. Since it usually involves customers paying over the phone or online, and then picking up the order outside the store, it minimizes contact and keeps both customers and staff safer than an in-store pick-up. It's also a great option for stores that don't have delivery. It's like having a drive-thru without the "thru" part!
To offer this order type, create a new order type in your POS. With the new order type in place, you can see curbside orders on reports that list order type.

- Most of the settings for the curbside order type will be the same as for your Pick Up order type, but ensure you are prompting for an expected payment. For curbside pickup to be "contactless," you will want pre-paid card payments only.
- Adjust the Quoted Times if you think curbside orders will take more or less time to get ready than pickup orders.
- For ticket printing, make sure Phone, Name, and Delivery Instructions are printing on the ticket. Delivery Instructions will print any notes about customer preferences that you enter on the Terminal Customer screen, for example, "Will call upon arrival." Tip: If using this process, post one or more large signs in the parking area with the number to call.
- If you don't want to accept cash or checks curbside, turn those tender types off for the new order type.
- Test the new curbside order type before making it "live."
Preparing for reopening? In many locations, authorities are getting ready to loosen the rules around dining in restaurants. This article by Niko Frangos, Rascal House owner and SpeedLine customer, gives you some practical tips for preparing to re-open your pizza restaurant.
Disinfecting Your Touchscreens?
Good idea! As a high-touch surface, screens should be disinfected regularly. But be careful to avoid damaging your expensive hardware. See what cleaning products you can use safely, and which ones might damage the screen. Consult this list put together by the experts at ELO Support.