Monitoring Driver and Server Performance
For roughly 80 percent of SpeedLine clients, pizza and delivery go hand-in-hand. That means overseeing drivers and deliveries is likely a challenge you face every day. Add dine-in, and you have another, completely different, set of challenges and performance measures to consider.
What driver and server performance metrics do you track? Here are some of the reports and performance stats you can use to identify problems with delivery and dine-in performance—so you can coach staff and streamline operations.
Using Driver and Delivery Performance Indicators
For a quick summary of the day’s live stats, check the Delivery Performance report—in the DayReport, and in more detail in Store Manager. Watch these key metrics:
% of Late Deliveries. Having every order arrive in the quoted time is ideal—but probably not realistic. So establish an acceptable percentage, and then monitor regularly.
One thing that can cause a blip in late delivery percentage is unpredictable traffic conditions. SpeedLine LiveMaps is your friend here: because it uses live traffic data, the software can calculate and map a route around heavy traffic.
If the late deliveries metric goes over the acceptable limit and there’s no obvious cause (like bad weather or short staffing), other delivery stats may give you clues.
Delivered <= Quoted + 5 Minutes. The Driver Summary section of the Delivery Performance report shows at a glance whether drivers are hitting close to quoted times. Look for the percentage of orders delivered in less than or equal to quoted time plus 5 minutes. If the majority of drivers aren’t getting close, your quoted times may need adjustment. (Are you using automated quoted times?) But if certain drivers are falling short of the mark, look for coaching opportunities.
OTD Minutes. Out-the-door (OTD) time tells you how long it took from the time the customer’s order was entered in the POS until it was assigned to a driver. If this is too long, you may have a problem with kitchen efficiency, or with kitchen or driver staffing. Set a goal for average OTD time, and then see how you measure up. OTD time is also shown on the Out the Door/Delivery Times report in Store Manager.
Average Wait Time. Drivers killing time between runs cost you money. If late deliveries are up, compare this stat with OTD time: if both are high, it may indicate the need for more make line staff. If wait time is short, but OTD time is high, you may need more drivers.
Average On-Road Time. If this metric is too high, and your drivers are self-dispatching, it may be because drivers are taking more orders than they can deliver in the times quoted. You can control this by setting the “Maximum Assigned Tickets” in Store Manager.
If the on-road time is too short, it may mean drivers are attempting to circumvent controls you put in place by assigning and then quickly returning tickets. To detect this, check the Delivery Summary section of the Store Manager Delivery Performance report for tickets with less than 3 drive minutes.
Minimize on-road times with efficient visual dispatch: SpeedLine LiveMaps lets you select tickets right from the map, so they can be grouped based on proximity to each other: Take a Quick Look at LiveMaps
to see how it can help you manage deliveries more efficiently.
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Managing Table Service and Server Performance
A disorganized dining room can be a nightmare, but with the right tools, you can easily monitor table status, table turns, and wait staff performance to keep guests and staff happy and service efficient.
Service Cues. Visual cues help you keep tabs on a busy dining room. Color coding tables quickly shows host and wait staff when a table is open, seated, billed, or requires bussing.
Warning icons alert you to tables that have been waiting too long before ordering, so a manager can stop by for a quick apology, or sweep in to assist wait staff.
Performance Metrics. At a glance, the SpeedLine table dashboard provides performance reporting of key metrics such as guest counts and party totals, section usage, table turnover, server performance, and more.
Quick Look: See how the Table Dashboard works.
For a quick summary of key metrics, bring up the Day Report and check Server Summary, Table Summary, and Table Service Performance.
And in Store Manager, print the Server Statistics Details and Section Usage Details to see how long it took to serve guests, bus, or turn tables. Adjust your schedule or coach staff to improve the guest experience.
Get Out in Front of It
By the time your guests complain (if they ever do), they may have decided already to take their business elsewhere—or to vent on Facebook. Monitor delivery and table service proactively, so you can make corrections early.
Not using all the features of your SpeedLine system yet? Learn more in these helpful guides: