Ensuring your SpeedLine experience is exceptional is our top priority! Our Support Team is here to help whenever you need. They have compiled a list of tips to try before calling into support that could save you time! Here's what they suggest:
General Maintenance Tips
Update and reboot your computers weekly
Restart your computers and perform Windows updates weekly to maintain the overall health and functionality of your system. Updating and rebooting regularly is a good practice for any computer from your home computer to your POS because it gives the system a good refresh and is a great first step in troubleshooting the issue!
Reboot tips:
- Reboot all stations (not just the primary station) so they all get a refresh.
- Windows updates can take a while, so doing it after completing your end-of-day is recommended.
- Schedule reboots to take place outside of work hours with Windows Task Scheduler for one less thing to worry about after a long day.
Save Yourself Time, Try These Tips
Check if the problem persists on multiple stations
Before calling support, see if the problem persists on another station to narrow down the source of the issue. We know that time is everything for our restaurant operators, and this is a quick way to help narrow down your problem and improve resolution time!
Check your internet connection
If you're having trouble with LiveMaps, online ordering, or credit cards, try browsing the internet on the station to see if you have an internet connection.
Many issues (such as credit card processing problems) can be resolved by simply power cycling your internet connection.
Check your cables
Ensure your cables haven't come loose or gotten unplugged, as this could be disrupting your connection. Reseating cables (ie. printer, network, USB) is a good way to confirm connections have not come loose.
Cloud Reporting & Analytics Tips
Trouble connecting? Try logging in from a different device
If you are having issues accessing SpeedLine’s Cloud Reporting & Analytics site, a great first step is to log in from your phone using a different internet connection. Your restaurant’s firewall might be inhibiting your internet access. Try logging in from your phone using cellular data. If you can access Cloud Reporting & Analytics just fine, you’ve likely found the source of the issue.
Search for reports in SpeedLine’s Cloud Reporting & Analytics
You can search for specific reports in SpeedLine’s Cloud Reporting & Analytics. Simply click the search icon and type in the keyword/s you’re looking for.